The Oaths-Laws are the hearth of the infinite creative forces and abilities of the Whole Light and

Ellanian Creation. The writer of the Oaths-Laws, Artemis Sorras, has written them for the human

being to become attuned to their creational beginning and remember their divine nature. Every Oath

is surrounded by a golden Maiandros (Meander), which protects and secures the sacred words that

are written and spoken connecting the Ellene human with their divine Creation. The reader will notice

that all words are in capital letters where no punctuation marks such as commas or full stops exist.

They will discover the flow of the words which will come naturally once they start to connect with

their true, unique existence. It is important to note here that in Ellanian Maiandros writing, the words

are connected with each other like this:


In this way, it creates a continuous flow of Logos (spoken words), a flux of words. When we reach the

end of the Oath and the recitation of the divine Logos is completed, absolutely everything receives

the sacred frequencies expressed through the Voice, applying the energy of the words and their

powerful meanings to the creative environment where humans live and exist.

Note: You may read the Sacred Ellanian Text of “Minos, the Archon of Time”, in order to discover more

about the Ellanian Maiandros writing and the structure, construction, connection, composition and

synthesis of the words into a complete whole of the Nous (Mind) itself.


These Sacred Ellanian Texts are not your typical narrative. It is vital that the reader approaches

these texts as that of a permanent student reading a very intricate and specialised, as well as strict

series of texts. Sentences and paragraphs must be repeatedly read to better comprehend them. It

is the reader who must ascend to the superior and sacred meanings within these texts and not the

other way around, lowering such significant and sacred meanings to the – currently apostatic –

level of the human being (Anthropos). The reader must undertake their own journey through the

intricate labyrinth of these various Sacred Ellanian Texts and compare and cross-reference them in

order to gain a better understanding (Katanoesis) and then comprehension (Noesis) of the

analyses, breakdowns, code results and meanings that arise within them. In essence, they are a

map of our creation and connection beyond, where there is no beginning or end, end or beginning.

A query in one text can be found in another text, and this is something the reader must individually

perform for the purpose of their ascension. This is why the word Read «διΑΒΑΖΩ» (pron.

Diavazo) etymologically means, DIA (Zeus) = Nous/Mind, and VAZO = to place, i.e. we must place

and utilise our Nous/Mind when we read, and not read to simply read. With perseverance, all the

answers to our questions about our existence, purpose and connection beyond will be answered.

“The Time and Space in which this EPIC «εποσ» is presented, is the suitable one. The Mind (Nous)

that goes on this quest and imprints, is the suitable one. The reader who will engage in this, is the

suitable one. And free will is ARGO «ΑΡγΩ» herself, in the same way that it was back then, with the

same Hero to lead the way for this memorable journey where every end is a new beginning, every

answer is a new question and every peak is a new valley”. (Excerpt from: The Ellanian Cosmos 600 –



G L O S S A R Y o f T E R M S

Anthropos: «ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ» (Anthropoi = plural).

Although we have used the term Ellene

“Human” throughout this text, it is important

to note that the correct term for the “Human”

is “Anthropos” as depicted in the words

anthropocentric, anthropology etc. In his texts,

Artemis Sorras proves that the Ellene human is

the Diamond, the “Jewel of the cosmoses”.

Note: The word “Jewel” is translated as

«ΚΟΣΜΗΜΑ» (Cosmema) in Greek, denoting its

connection with the word “Cosmos”


The Arrito En Whole Light (The Supreme

Being of Light): «ΤΟ Αρρητο εν ολον φωσ»

(pron. To Arrito En Holon Phos, translated as

“The Ineffable One Whole Light”). It is the

source of the entire Ellanian Creation, The Unit

1 (the Creator of everything). It is the supreme,

self-existent Creator Nous (Mind) that is

undivided and complete. “The Arrito En Holon

Phos” has 99 different names. One of these is

“Os” as in “Phos” meaning “Light”. In regard to

the word “Arrito”, it means “Ineffable”. “En”

(or “Ena”) means “ONE”. “Holon” means

“Whole” and “Phos” means “Light”. In other

words, it is “The Wholeness of the Eternal

Light”. Throughout our texts, we will mostly be

utilising its name as “The Arrito En” or “The

Arrito En Whole Light”.

Note: You may find “Phos” spelt as “Fos” in

other texts. “Phos” shows connection to the

prefix “photo-”, relating to “Light”. E.g.

photosynthesis, photo-electric.

Cosmotheasis: «κοσμοθεΑση». Is anything

captured by our senses and perceived through

cognitive process, as being true and real.

Everything we perceive is within the cosmos.

Τhe Magnificence of what the cosmos contains

is Cosmotheasis itself. The word Cosmotheasis

consists of the words “cosmo” (cosmos) and

“theasis” (sight, observation). When the word

“Theasis” «ΘΕΑΣΗ» becomes “Theosis”

«ΘΕΩΣΗ», the symbol “Alpha” (in the middle of

the word “Theasis”) changes to “Omega”.

Consequently, the word “Theosis” is created,

which means “to become divine” and “to

connect with The Divine”.

Dimension «ΔΙΑΣΤΑΣΗ» (Diastasis,

Diastases or Diastaseis = plural). In Greek,

“Dimension” is “Diastasis”. Etymologically,

“Diastasis” is the state (stasis) of Intellect

(DIAS) that characterises our Creation which

functions with Nomoteleia and the Isozygia

(balance) of the Laws-Oaths. Essentially,

through this etymology, the hyper-intelligent

Divine Design is proven, where absolutely

everything (including all the geometric planes

and levels of the Ellanian Creation) abides by

the Laws of Nomoteleian Geometry, in order

for all creations to ascend infinitely and

creatively within the infinite Space and

timeless Time of our Cosmokratoria.

To learn more about our 3-dimensional

structure, dimensions and Diastasis, as well as

our and every creation’s manifestation within

the spherical and geometric Space of Creation,

you may read the Sacred Ellanian Text of

SIRIUS, the Womb of our Universe.

Ellanian/Ellene vs. Hellene/Greek: The 2

terms Hellene and Greek are deviously used as

modern terms in the last few centuries. The

true and correct terms throughout antiquity

are Ellanian and Ellene. Moreover, the correct

term for Hellas/Greece is Ellas «ελλΑΣ». Ellas

means: El «ελ» = light and -las «λΑΣ» = rock,

land. Therefore, Land of Light. In essence,

Ellene = The one who is made up of the Whole

Light & The one who will ascend to the Whole

Light. Ellanian is used quite frequently

throughout these Sacred Ellanian Texts. It has

a very sacred meaning connecting the Ellene

humans to their Creators and the cosmos –

their origin. Previously, the terms Ellanio,

Ellanios and Ellania appeared depending on

the noun that followed but now they have

been replaced with the term Ellanian. It is

important to know that all humans are Ellenes


and likewise, all Ellenes are humans. This is not

a distinction between race. It is the code name

of the human being.

Throughout our texts, we utilise the word

"Greek" in regard to the language, since it is

the current known term worldwide. This will

gradually change into Ellene or Ellanian, as

humanity progresses into true knowledge.

Ellanian Dromenon: « ΕΛΛΑΝΙΟ ΔΡΩΜΕΝΟ»

(Dromena = plural). Dromenon means Event.

Dromenon is a sacred event which is

performed in homonoia by people in public

view for the purpose of acknowledging their

universal position within the cosmos, including

the creative mission of their lives, always

keeping them connected with their Ellanian

Creation and Creators. While preserving the

Values of Eudaimonia and Know Thyself as

humans (both individually and collectively)

they follow the path of their ascension. The

Sacred Ellanian Dromena of the human have

been written and inscribed by Artemis Sorras

and some of them are The Heliacal Rising of

Sirius (Epitoli Siriou), The Sacred Ellanian

Dromenon of the Ellene Human’s Birth Labour

(Genathlos) etc. For more information we

invite you to visit the internet site AITHERIKI

GRAFI under the tab ELLANIAN


Genoito: «γΕΝΟΙΤΟ». At the end of an

Invocation or Oath, there are a few final words

which truthfully request for the completion of

the inspirited recitation of the respective

Logos (spoken words). Specifically, the word

Genoito which concludes, is roughly translated

as to happen – to be done. This is an expression

of genuinely asking for the fulfillment of the

Invocation or Oath and the sacred purpose it


Genus «γΕΝΟΣ»: Genus is a term related to

kind, class, origin, family, birth etc. It is a sacred

word showing its connection with Nous,

through the second syllable nus. All IOTA

creations have been created by Nous and we

are all a part of the undivided and complete

Nous. Especially when it comes to humans, the

word humankind also means that the humans

are inherently kind, polite and therefore

generous and genuine. Notice the gen part in

these two last words because humans have

been created with the Values of Abundance

and Truth. In some texts it is proven that

humans are true and immortal creations of

Infinity and Truth. Additionally, at the

beginning of the text The Hierarchy of the 9

NINE, Artemis Sorras analyses the terms

Cosmogony and Theogony, whose second part

-gony is related to gonos which means

progeny, denoting connection to the sacred

term genus. Lastly, you may also notice the use

of the genitive case throughout the text that

reveals the source and origin of everything,

where everything belongs to the Creation of

the true, immortal, infinite Nous that created

everything with magnificence.

Hestia: «εστιΑ» (Hearth). Hestia is one of the

12 Olympian entities and the Value of

Eudaimonia. Additionally, in Greek «εστιΑ»

(Hestia) means a focal point (focus). It

describes the core, the centre of our creation

that keeps us protected and connected with

the aim and purpose of our existence.

Homometrial: «ΟΜΟΜΗΤΡΙΟΣ». Homometrial

means of the same womb. Homo- «ΟΜΟ»

means the same and -metrial «ΜΗΤΡΙΟΣ»

derives from «ΜΗΤΡΑ» (Metra) meaning

womb. Humans derive from the same womb

that their God Creators originate from. They

are connected with their Gods through the

Primordial Substance. They are IOTA creations

created by their same womb (homometrial)

Creators, all belonging to the Nomoteleian

Creation of the Arrito En Whole Light which is


the primordial Creator Nous. The aim and

purpose of humans is to become creators as

well and create infinitely within the infinite

planes and levels of the divine Ellanian

Creation in accordance with the Ellanian Value


Horkos: «ΟΡΚΟΣ» (Horkoi = plural). Horkos

means Oath in the Greek language. Horkos

(Oath) is the hearth of the infinite creative

forces and abilities of the Whole Light and

Ellanian Creation. An Horkos is a Law (Oaths-

Laws) and a Law is an Horkos (Laws-Oaths).

The Horkoi compose the wholeness of

Nomoteleian (Perfect Law) Creation, setting

the ascensional course of the Ellene humans

who respect and defend the Ellanian

Protocols. This way, the Ellene humans

preserve their universal position and existence

within the infinite Freedom of Immortality.

Note: You may also consult the terms

“Nomoteleia” and “Oaths-Laws” for further


Imparticipable: «Αμεθεκτοσ». Used

throughout this text and all Ellanian texts

meaning something which is undivided,

united, connected, whole, complete.

Mesotita: «μεσοτητΑ» (Mesotites = plural) or

“Middle Point”. Mesotita is significant within

entire Ellanian Creation and protects us from

any excess. Mesotita is where the human

being has their true and Nomoteleian position

within the cosmos. The System of 12 Values

protects the human from any excesses that

may harm them. Mesotita is widely known

with the terms “golden mean” or “golden

middle way”. However, as a general term,

Mesotita refers to the “Middle Point” that

keeps everything in perfect balance,

symmetry, harmony and equilibrium. Mesotita

always functions according to the balance

(Isozygia), creating equilibrium and harmony

within Ellanian Creation and every Ellanian


Noesis: «ΝΟΗΣΗ». Noesis is associated with

Nous (Mind). It means cognition, intellect as

well as comprehension, through which humans

perceive their cosmos and create in

accordance with the Ellanian Protocols of

Creation, preserving the Oaths-Laws of

Nomoteleia (Perfect Law).

Nomoteleia (noun) – Nomoteleian

(adjective): «νομοτελειΑ». Nomoteleia

means Nomos (or Nomo) = Law and Teleia =

Perfect. Therefore, Nomoteleia is the “Perfect

Law” and can be related (but not the same) to

the known term of “Universal Law”. It is the

Laws and Oaths that an IOTA creation and all

IOTA creations must be in accordance with in

order to remain within entire Ellanian

Creation. Acts against Creation and

Nomoteleia deem you as an apostate and steer

you away from your true and divine Creation

into oblivion and non-existence.

You may read the Sacred Ellanian Text “The

Ellanian Cosmos 600” in order to learn more

about “Nomoteleia”.

Number or Numeral: «ΝΟΥΜΕΡΟ» (Noumero,

Noumera = plural). It means the Part (-meral)

of the Nous (nu-). In Greek, Number is

«ΝΟΥΜΕΡΟ» (Noumero), a word consisting of

two parts: «ΝΟΥ» (nou-) meaning Mind and

«ΜΕΡΟ» (-mero) meaning Part. Every creation

is an essential part of the undivided and

imparticipable Nous where everything exists

within the cosmic equation of universal

mathematics with absolute symmetry, balance

and harmony.

Oaths-Laws: «ΟΡΚΟΙ-ΝΟΜΟΙ»: In Ellanian

Creation, absolutely everything is created by

Nomoteleia, which means Perfect Law.

Essentially, Nomoteleia is the principle of

Creation, where everything is created based

on this sacred foundation in order for every

creation to ascend creatively and infinitely


within the infinite planes and levels of our

Creation. Nomoteleia executes the absolute

balance of the Laws-Oaths, where absolutely

everything is to perfection. It is essential to

preserve Nomoteleia as well as abide by the

Laws and Oaths of Creation for the protection

and continuous ascension of all creations

within the Space and Time of the infinite of

Infinity Ellanian Creation. It is important to

note here that a Law is also an Oath and an

Oath is also a Law. This same and reverse

relationship applies to all the sacred Laws-

Oaths, which compose absolutely everything,

connecting us with the Divine Light and

preserving our Nomoteleian position within

Ellanian Creation.

Value: «ΑΞΙΑ» (Axia, Axies = plural). The word

Axia (Value) is related to the words Axis and

Axial, meaning the main, central line whereby

everything rotates and moves around with

symmetry, harmony, balance and within the

wholeness of our cosmos. The 12 Values of a

true Democracy are the core of our existence

and Creation.


SOURCE https://www.aitherikigrafi.gr/


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